Graduates of the History of Science and Technology Department, 1990 to the present.


Ryan Hearty
PhD Thesis: The Pollution Experts: Engineers, Biologists, and the Problem of Water Quality in Rivers of the United States, 1935 to 1972. (Mercelis)
Current Affiliation: Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University, Whiting School of Engineering
Email: [email protected]


Marc Alsina
PhD Thesis: Argentine Wings: the State, Popular Culture, and the Creation of a Technological Future in Argentina, 1910-1955. (Portuondo)
Current Affiliation: Independent Scholar
Email: [email protected]

Aaron Bateman
PhD Thesis: A Space Renaissance: The Strategic Defense Initiative and the Arms Race. (Leslie)
Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, George Washington University.
Email: [email protected]


Nuno Castel-Branco
PhD Thesis: Steno, the Traveling Anatomist: Physico-Mathematics and the Search for Certainty in the Seventeenth Century. (Principe)
Current Affiliation: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
Email: [email protected]


Joanna Behrman
PhD Thesis: The Other Physicists: Female Physicists at U.S. Women’s Colleges, 1870-1940 . (Mercelis)
Current affiliation: Assistant Public Historian, Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics.
Email: [email protected]


Ryan Hearty
MA Thesis: The Patrick Principle: Ruth M. Patrick, River Ecology and the Transformation of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1935-1975. (Kingsland)

Emily A. Margolis
PhD Thesis: Space Travel at 1 G: Space Tourism in Cold War America. (Leslie)
Current affiliation: Curator of American Women’s History, Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum.

Emilie Raymer
PhD Thesis: From Social Darwinism to Human Ecology: Transforming the Disciplines of Sociology, History, and Cultural Geography in the United States, 1890-1955. (Kingsland)
Current affiliation: Preceptor in the Expository Writing Program, Harvard University.
Email: [email protected]

Graduates from 1990-2017


Penelope K. Hardy
PhD Thesis: Where Science Meets the Sea: Research Vessels and the Construction of Knowledge in the Nineteeenth and Twentieth Centuries. (Leslie)
Current affiliation: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin La Crosse.
Email: [email protected]

Yin Hang Phoebe Tang
MA Thesis: Taiwan Area Mesoscale Experiment (TAMEX): Political Tension and Disaster Mitigation (Leslie)
Current affiliation: Graduate Student, University of Western Australia
Email: [email protected]


Matthew E. Franco
PhD Thesis: The Science Reform: Geography in Bourbon Spain. (Portuondo)
Current affiliation: Adjunct Professor, Goucher College and Loyola University of Maryland.
Email: [email protected]

Layne R. Karafantis
PhD Thesis: Under Control: Constructing the Nerve Centers of the Cold War . (Leslie)
Current affiliation: Teaching Fellow, University of Southern California, Huntington Institute of California and the West.
Email: [email protected]

Adrianna H. Link
PhD Thesis: Salvaging a Record for Humankind: Urgent Anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution, 1964-1984. (Kingsland)
Current affiliation: Head of Scholarly Programs, American Philosophical Society.
Email: [email protected]

Richard S. Nash
PhD Thesis: Sensory Physiology and the Return of the Animal Mind in the Career of Donald Redfield Griffin, 1934-1986. (Kingsland)
Current affiliation: Science Analyst, National Science Foundation.
Email: [email protected]

Jean-Olivier Richard
PhD Thesis: The Art of Making Rain and Fair Weather: The Life and World System of Louis-Bertrand Castel, SJ (1688-1757). (Principe)
Current affiliation: Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, St. Michael’s College
Email: [email protected]


Simon A. Thode
PhD Thesis: The Practices of Observational Science and the Development of the American Nation in the Trans-Appalachian West, 1763-1814. (Portuondo)
Current affiliation: Research Analyst, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand.
Email: [email protected]


Thomas M. Berez
PhD Thesis: Building a Socialist Germany: The Bauakademie and the Politics of Construction in the German Democratic Republic, 1947-1991 (Leslie).

Kaori Iida
PhD, Genetics, Pennsylvania State University.
PhD, History of Science; Thesis: Practice and Politics in Japanese Science: Hitoshi Kihara and the Formation of a Genetics Discipline (Kingsland).
Current affiliation: Associate Professor, Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Hayama, Japan.

Richard S. Nash
MA Thesis: William Keith Brooks as a Late-Nineteenth-Century Darwinian (Kingsland).


Tulley Long
PhD Thesis: Constituting the Stress Response: Collaborative Networks and the Elucidation of the Pituitary-Adrenal Cortical System, 1930s-1960s. (Kingsland).
Current affiliation: Adjunct teacher, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Email: [email protected]

Matthew E. Franco
MA Thesis: Bridging the Divide: Science and Reform in the Spanish Navy (1783-1805). (Portuondo)


Nicholas Spicher
PhD Thesis: “Speak to the Eyes as Well as the Understanding”: The Pedagogy of Science in Early America, 1750-1830. (Principe)
Current affiliation: Education Director, Science Factory Children’s Museum and Planetarium, Eugene, Oregon.
Email: [email protected]

Katherine M. Reinhart
MA Thesis: The Irony of Architecture: The Observatoire de Paris and Astronomical Knowledge Production in Seventeenth-century France. (Principe)


Allison Marsh
PhD Thesis: The Ultimate Vacation — Watching Other People Work: A History of Factory Tours in America, 1880-1950. (Leslie).
Current affiliation: Associate Professor, History Department, University of South Carolina.

Eric Nystrom
PhD Thesis: Learning to See: Visual Tools in American Mining Engineering, 1860-1920. (Leslie).
Current affiliation: Associate Professor, College of Integrative Science and Arts, Arizona State University.

Andrew Russell
PhD Thesis: Industrial Legislatures: Consensus Standardization in the Second and Third Industrial Revolutions. (Leslie).
Current affiliation: Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, SUNY Polytechnic Institute.


Hyungsub Choi
PhD Thesis: Manufacturing Knowledge in Transit: Technical Practices, Organizational Change and the Rise of the Semi-conductor Industry in the U.S. and Japan (Leslie).
Following graduation, Hyungsub was Manager of the Electronics, Innovation, and Engineering Program, Center for Contemporary History and Policy, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia.
Current affiliation: Associate Professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea. Email: [email protected]


Robert McCabe
MA Thesis: Admiral George H. Richards, RN, and the Contributions of the Royal Navy to the Science of the Challenger Expedition (Kingsland).
Current affiliation: Associate Professor of Maritime and Naval Operations, U.S. Naval War College.


Joshua Levens
Thesis: Sex, Neurosis and Animal Behavior: The Emergence of American Psychobiology and the Research of W. Horsley Gantt and Frank A. Beach. (Kingsland).
Current affiliation: Manager, Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation Partner Committee at UNOPS, RBM Partnership to End Malaria.

Maria M. Portuondo
Thesis: Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World. (Principe). Published as: Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World, University of Chicago Press, 2009.
Her book was awarded the John E. Fagg prize by the American Historical Association in 2010.  Following graduation she accepted a faculty position in the History of Science program at the University of Florida, Gainesville.
Current affiliation: Professor, History of Science and Technology Department, Johns Hopkins University.

Mark Waddell
Thesis: Theatres of the Unseen: The Society of Jesus and the Problem of the Invisible in the Seventeenth Century. (Principe).
Current affiliation: Associate Professor, Michigan State University, East Lansing.
Email: [email protected]


Jesse Bump
Thesis: The Lion’s Gaze: African River Blindness from Tropical Curiosity to International Development. (Marks)
Current affiliation:  Following work as a consultant in the Human Development Department, The World Bank, Jesse is currently Takemi Fellow in the Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard School of Public Health.

Allison Kavey
Thesis: Worlds of Secrets: Books of Secrets and the Popular Appropriation of Natural Philosophy in England, 1550-1600. (Principe). Published as: Books of Secrets: Natural Philosophy in England, 1550-1600. University of Illinois Press, 2007.
Current affiliation: Professor, History Department, John Jay College, CUNY
Email: [email protected]


Scott Gabriel Knowles
Thesis: Inventing Safety: Fire, Technology, and Trust in Modern America (Leslie).
Current affiliation: Professor, Department of History, Drexel University.  Scott received the 2008-9 Teaching Excellence Award from the College of Arts and Sciences, Drexel University.
Email: [email protected]

Susan Morris
Thesis: Resource Networks: Industrial Research in Small Enterprises, 1860-1930. (Kargon)
Current affiliation: Fellow-by-Courtesy, History of Science and Technology, Johns Hopkins University. Author of “Fleeming Jenkin and The Origin of Species: A Reassessment,” British Journal for the History of Science 27(1994).
Email: [email protected]

David Munns
Thesis: The History of Radio Astronomy in Australia, Britain, Holland, and the United States. (Leslie)
Current affiliation: Associate Professor, History Department, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY.  His second book is – Engineering the Environment: Phytotrons and the Quest to Control Climate in the Cold War (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017).
Email: [email protected]


Guido M. Giglioni
Thesis: The Genesis of Francis Glisson’s Philosophy of Life. (Principe)
Current affiliation: Cassamarca Lecturer in Neo-Latin Cultural and Intellectual History 1400-1700, The Warburg Institute, London.
Email: [email protected]


Sander Joel Gliboff
Thesis: The Pebble and the Planet: Paul Kammerer, Ernst Haeckel, and the Meaning of Darwinism. (Kingsland).  Published as: H. G. Bronn, Ernst Haeckel, and the Origins of German Darwinism, MIT Press, 2008.
Current affiliation: Professor, Department of History and Philosophy of Science at Indiana University.
Email: [email protected]

Kathleen M. Crowther
Thesis: Creating Adam and Eve: Body, Soul, and Gender in 16th century Germany. (Fissell)
Current affiliation: Associate Professor, University of Oklahoma, History of Science Department.

Karen Stupski
Thesis: Waste, Wealth and Public Health: Recycling Human Excrement in England and Mid-Atlantic states, 1820-1900 (Leslie).
Current affiliation: Karen is part of a Baltimore-area community called Heathcote, which is dedicated to sustainable living, and also works as a tutor in a specialized learning program based in Vermont.


Greg Downey
Thesis: “Uniformed Boys for Every Occasion”: Telegraph Messenger Labor in the First Communications Internetwork, 1850-1950.(Leslie)
Current affiliation: Professor, Department Chair, Journalism & Mass Communication, School of Library & Information Studies; Department of Geography (affiliate), University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Email: [email protected]

Christine Keiner
Thesis: Scientists, Oystermen, and Maryland Oyster Conservation Politics, 1880-1969: A Study of Two Cultures (Kingsland).  Published as: The Oyster Question: Scientists, Watermen, and the Maryland Chesapeake Bay since 1880, University of Georgia Press, 2009.  Her book received honorable mention for the Frederick Jackson Turner Award, Organization of American Historians, in 2010.
Current affiliation: Associate Professor (Science, Technology, and Society) at Rochester Institute of Technology.

Thomas Lassman
Thesis: From Quantum Revolution to Institutional Transformation: Edward Condon and the Dynamics of Pure Science in America, 1921-1951. (Kargon)
Current affiliation: Senior Historian and Curator, Historical Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Washington, D.C.


Hunter A. Heyck
Thesis: Herbert Simon: Organization Man (Leslie). Published as: Herbert A. Simon: The Bounds of Reason in Modern America, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
Current affiliation: Professor, History of Science Department, University of Oklahoma.

Buhm Soon Park
Thesis: Computations and Interpretations: The Growth of Quantum Chemistry, 1927-1967. (Hannaway)
Current affiliation: Professor, Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, Korea.


David Roberts
Thesis: Mathematics and Pedagogy: Professional Mathematicians and American Educational Reform, 1893-1923. (Kargon).
Current affiliation: Adjunct professor and tutor in developmental mathematics at Prince George’s Community College, Maryland.


Jennifer Tucker
Thesis: Science Illustrated: Photographic Evidence and Social Practice in England, 1870-1920. (Robert Smith) Published as: Nature Exposed: Photography as Eyewitness in Victorian Science, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. Current affiliation: Associate Professor, History Department, Wesleyan University. Also part of the core faculty in Science in Society Program and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Wesleyan.

Linda B. Tucker
Thesis: Science at Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, 1868-1893 (Kingsland). After several years teaching in an undergraduate college in New Orleans, Linda now teaches high school physics in Louisiana.


Carl-Henry Geschwind
Thesis: Earthquakes and Their Interpretation: The Campaign for Seismic Safety in California, 1906-1933. (Kingsland) Published as: California Earthquakes: Science, Risk & the Politics of Hazard Mitigation, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Current affiliation:  Now retired after 14 years working as a tax accountant, Carl-Henry lives in Washington, DC, and is working on a comparative history of the gasoline tax during the twentieth century.

Lawrence Principe
Thesis: The Aspiring Adept: Robert Boyle and His Alchemical Quest. (Kargon)
Current affiliation: Professor, History of Science and Technology/Chemistry Department, Johns Hopkins University.
Email: [email protected]


Elizabeth A. Melia
Thesis: Science, Values and Education: The Search for Cultural Unity at Harvard under Charles W. Eliot, A Lawrence Lowell, and James B. Conant. (Hannaway/Kingsland)
Current affiliation: Technical Training Specialist, Development Information Systems, Johns Hopkins University.


Amy Bix
Thesis: Inventing Ourselves Out of Jobs: America’s Depression Era Debate Over Technological Unemployment (Leslie). Published under the same title by Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
Current affiliation: Associate Professor, Department of History, Iowa State University.

Louis E. Carlat
Thesis: Sound Values: Radio Broadcast of Symphonic Music and American Culture, 1922-1939 (Leslie).
Current affiliation: Historian, Edison Papers, Rutgers University.

Stephen J. Cross
Thesis: Designs for Living: Lawrence K. Frank and the Progressive Legacy in American Social Science. (Kargon)
Current affiliation: Independent Scholar, San Antonio, Texas.

Sheila A. Dean
Thesis: What Animal We Came From: William King Gregory’s Paleontology and the 1920s Debate on Human Origins. (Kingsland)
After several years as assistant editor, Darwin Correspondence Project, Cambridge University and Cornell University, Ithaca NY, Sheila now works as a freelance editor.

Mary J. Henninger-Voss
Thesis: Between the Cannon and the Book: Mathematicians and Military Culture in Sixteenth-century Italy. (Hannaway) Recipient of the Derek Price/Rod Webster Prize for her article “Working machines and noble mechanics: Guidobaldo del Monte and the translation of knowledge,” Isis 91(2000):232-59.
Current affiliation: After teaching at Princeton University’s program in history of science for several years, Mary is currently an independent scholar.


Barbara Becker
Thesis: Eclecticism, Opportunism, and the Evolution of a New Research Agenda: William and Margaret Huggins and the Origins of Astrophysics (Advisor: Robert Smith). Her revised thesis was published as Unravelling Starlight:  William and Margaret Huggins and the Rise of the New Astronomy, Cambridge University Press, 2011. In 2015 her book was awarded the Donald E. Osterbrock Book Prize by the Historical Astronomy Division of the American Astronomical Society.
Retired from a teaching position at UC Irvine in 2008.


Takehiko Hashimoto
Thesis: Theory, Experiment, and Design Practice: The Formation of Aeronautical Research, 1909-1930. (Kargon)
Current affiliation: Professor, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Tokyo.

Nelson R. Kellogg
Thesis: Gauging the Nation: Samuel Wesley Stratton and the Invention of the National Bureau of Standards. (Leslie)
Current affiliation: Professor, Sonoma State University.

Pamela H. Smith
Thesis: Alchemy, Credit, and the Commerce of Words and Things: Johann Joachim Becher at the Courts of the Holy Roman Empire, 1635-82. (Hannaway). Published as: The Business of Alchemy: Science and Culture in the Holy Roman Empire, Princeton University Press, 1994.
Current affiliation: After teaching at Pomona College in California, Pam is currently professor in the Department of History, Columbia University.


Michael A. Dennis
Thesis: A Change of State: The Political Cultures of Technical Practice at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 1930-1945 (Leslie).  Michael received a postdoctoral fellowship after graduation and following that was on the faculty in the Science and Technology Studies Department at Cornell University.  Current affiliation: Assistant Professor, U.S. Naval War College.
Email: [email protected]