Reports by staff members, students, and invited speakers.
Departmental Colloquium AS.140.641 (01)
Reports by staff members, students, and invited speakers.
Days/Times: Th 3:00PM - 4:50PM
Instructor: Allen, Meagan Selby; McManus, Alison L
Room: Gilman 300
Status: Open
Seats Available: 20/20
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.801 (06)
Directed Readings & Dissertation
Principe, Lawrence
Fall 2025
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Directed Readings & Dissertation AS.140.801 (06)
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Instructor: Principe, Lawrence
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.801 (04)
Directed Readings & Dissertation
Leslie, Bill W
Fall 2025
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Directed Readings & Dissertation AS.140.801 (04)
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Instructor: Leslie, Bill W
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.621 (01)
Historiography in Science, Medicine, and Technology Studies
T 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Frumer, Yulia; Greene, Jeremy
Gilman 300
Fall 2025
What does it mean for the history of science to have a history of its own? In this course, we explore historiography of science, medicine, and technology and learn how to make it work for us. In addition to acquainting ourselves with the oft-cited classics and the rising stars in the field, we will learn how to make the most of previous scholarship by identifying explicit and implicit research motivations, discussing how difference in topics necessitates different source materials and research questions, and learning about the relationship between the argument and the writing style, as well as the form, content, and organization of the work. Rather than treating historiography as a pesky obligation, we will learn how to take advantage of historiography to become more mindful of our own motives behind telling histories of science, medicine, and technologies, to forge our own scholarly identities, and begin developing our own scholarly voices.
Historiography in Science, Medicine, and Technology Studies AS.140.621 (01)
What does it mean for the history of science to have a history of its own? In this course, we explore historiography of science, medicine, and technology and learn how to make it work for us. In addition to acquainting ourselves with the oft-cited classics and the rising stars in the field, we will learn how to make the most of previous scholarship by identifying explicit and implicit research motivations, discussing how difference in topics necessitates different source materials and research questions, and learning about the relationship between the argument and the writing style, as well as the form, content, and organization of the work. Rather than treating historiography as a pesky obligation, we will learn how to take advantage of historiography to become more mindful of our own motives behind telling histories of science, medicine, and technologies, to forge our own scholarly identities, and begin developing our own scholarly voices.
Days/Times: T 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Frumer, Yulia; Greene, Jeremy
Room: Gilman 300
Status: Open
Seats Available: 15/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.801 (01)
Directed Readings & Dissertation
Frumer, Yulia
Fall 2025
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Directed Readings & Dissertation AS.140.801 (01)
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Instructor: Frumer, Yulia
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.801 (03)
Directed Readings & Dissertation
Li, Lan
Fall 2025
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Directed Readings & Dissertation AS.140.801 (03)
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Instructor: Li, Lan
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.888 (01)
Dissertation Research
Frumer, Yulia
Fall 2025
For graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department Only.
Dissertation Research AS.140.888 (01)
For graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department Only.
Instructor: Frumer, Yulia
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.801 (07)
Directed Readings & Dissertation
Portuondo, Maria M
Fall 2025
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Directed Readings & Dissertation AS.140.801 (07)
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Instructor: Portuondo, Maria M
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.808 (01)
Graduate Independent Research
Frumer, Yulia
Summer 2025
Independent research for graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department only.
Graduate Independent Research AS.140.808 (01)
Independent research for graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department only.
Instructor: Frumer, Yulia
Status: Open
Seats Available: 15/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.801 (02)
Directed Readings & Dissertation
Jiang, Lijing
Fall 2025
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Directed Readings & Dissertation AS.140.801 (02)
Under the guidance of the faculty advisor, this course is for HST graduate students who are attending a directed readings course or preparing a dissertation.
Instructor: Jiang, Lijing
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.888 (04)
Dissertation Research
Leslie, Bill W
Fall 2025
For graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department Only.
Dissertation Research AS.140.888 (04)
For graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department Only.
Instructor: Leslie, Bill W
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.888 (02)
Dissertation Research
Jiang, Lijing
Fall 2025
For graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department Only.
Dissertation Research AS.140.888 (02)
For graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department Only.
Instructor: Jiang, Lijing
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.888 (06)
Dissertation Research
Principe, Lawrence
Fall 2025
For graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department Only.
Dissertation Research AS.140.888 (06)
For graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department Only.
Instructor: Principe, Lawrence
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.140.888 (07)
Dissertation Research
McManus, Alison L
Fall 2025
For graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department Only.
Dissertation Research AS.140.888 (07)
For graduate students in the History of Science and Technology Department Only.